• 290
  • 4
    Types of Technology
  • 1000
    Supplied Parts
  • Challenge

    Moen wanted to create a shopper experience that allowed the consumer to understand the technology and ease of use behind their first “smart” product, The Moen “U”.  The Moen “‘U” display is a WIFI capable product that allows the consumer endless customization, additional user convenience and offers potential opportunities for future upgrades.  The display needed to allow consumers to interact with the product and the app to embrace the full benefit of what the Moen “U” had to offer.  The display had to maintain the same look and feel as their existing product gallery wall while at the same time, stand out as a new feature product.  The display needed to attract the shopper, be user-friendly and have the product perform as it would in the home.  Custom digital content for the display was a must as well as a sales demo kit for Moen representatives to easily explain features and benefits of the product.

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  • Solution

    PRG designed a ‘smart’ display that allowed the customer to fully interact with Moen ‘U’.  Customers engaging with the display could utilize the features of the product exactly as they would if it was in their home.  A custom, digital and interactive experience for both the display and the sales team showed consumers how to use the product and a provided a selling platform for the Moen representatives to educate retailers as well.  It was engineered to hang on an existing custom gallery wall as well as slat wall depending on the location.


    Types of Technology

    Supplied Parts

    Experience Moen 'U'
  • Features

    The display includes touch screen, LED lighting, a wireless device and Raspberry Pi or ‘brain’ which allows the Moen product to interact with content on the screen.  The wireless device allows customer to remotely update this content as well as gathering vital analytics on consumer use.  Lenticular graphics backlit by LED’s provide a look and feel of being in the shower with actual Moen showerhead above.  From design through production and distribution, PRG managed the program that included elements supplied from other partners.   Although having multiple technologies included, the display was developed with only one main switch.  Custom interactive content as well as a custom sales tool allowed the shopper to educate themselves or for the Moen representative to educate the retailer, both driving measurable sales for Moen.

    See how we did it
  • How/Process

    PRG helped Moen create a shopper experience that allows the consumer to understand the technology and ease of use behind their first “smart” product, The Moen “U”.   The display includes a touch screen, LED lighting, a wireless device and Raspberry Pi or ‘brain’ which allows the Moen product to interact with content on the screen.  The display look and feel allowed it to integrate with the existing Moen gallery wall while at the same time stand out as a new product.

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